Friday, December 7, 2012

Rain Rain Go Away

We finally had a bit of a break from the storms... hopefully it stays this way for a week so the stucco can dry cure and get painted.  I really want to know what color my house is going to be!!!!  Gray, beige, dukey yellow? (HOPE NOT!!!!!!!), brown? multi-color.  I'm hoping gray, but I it's looking beige to me...

Oh! we met a neighbor across the street last week.  He seems to know the other neighbors too, so it's a good start.  I bet they can't wait until our construction is done so they don't have to see the trucks and hear the noise anymore!

We got our final closing prep letter so hopefully we'll be all done by mid January!  I've been looking at who the utility companies are in the area.  I love my house already.

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